Deep cells, thick walls…

My weekend in Stuttgart included a trip to the regional museum, a rather dull little establishment notable less for the exhibits than for the imposing old castle in which it’s located – formerly home to the Counts of Württemberg.  The tour route takes one into the cellars, two floors below street level; forgetting the displays of local glassware, my mind began to wander to other possible uses for such dungeons…

There’d been an argument, you see. The girl had refused to accept the guard’s instructions; he’d tried to handcuff her to take her back to her cell; she’d lashed out and hit him in the face.

The hearing before the Governor had been short, to the point. He’d brushed aside her protests: “The conduct of my officer is not the issue at stake here. Your conduct is. Refusal to obey a legitimate order: guilty; four strokes. Striking an officer: guilty; twelve strokes.” He recorded the details of her sentence in a ledger, then looked up: “Take her to the punishment cell; I shall be with you shortly.”

By the time he descended the stone stairs to the basement, his deputies had her tied, naked, in place over the whipping frame. He selected a cane from the rack, flexed it, and then administered justice. She took the first three strokes in silence; howled from the fourth; was broken and begging for mercy by the time the eighth stripe cut across her. And that was only half-way through.

Minutes later, the flogging complete, the Governor beckoned his deputies to accompany him from the cell – and handed the cane to the officer involved in the original incident. “You can untie her when you’re ready: we’re finished with the formal punishment. In the meantime, I’m sure you have your own views to share about her conduct. Deep cells, thick walls… We shall leave you to it…”

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