The Day When Lurkers Speak

Many people come to our blog every day, and hardly any of them (any of YOU) ever leave a comment.

We understand, honestly. After all, we also read lots of blogs, but we don’t always leave comments. Because delurking – that is, commenting for the first time – is _hard_. And scary.

What do you say? Do you introduce yourself? Or do you jump straight into the conversation? What if you really like the post, but you don’t think you have anything clever to add?

Luckily for all the lurkers of the spanking blogosphere, Bonnie of “My Bottom Smarts” has announced the Spanking Blog Delurk Day. That’s today. Participating blogs (and that includes us, the Spanking Writers) have decided to make the first step towards their lurkers.

Instead of you saying the first ‘hello’, we are saying it to _you_.

Hi! How are you? Do you often read spanking blogs, or have you just been passing by? What scratches your kinky itch?

We don’t bite.

(OK, Abel canes people, but not unless they want him to.)

33 thoughts on “The Day When Lurkers Speak

  • 3 November, 2006 at 7:44 am

    Ok guess i will be the 1st to “delurk”

    Hiya to you both im Katie, i come to your blog EVERY DAY. So i think its pretty safe to say…..I am a FAN!!

    Your blog makes me smile.

    Thanks for that!

    Love Katie x

  • 3 November, 2006 at 7:46 am

    Hey, Katie, you brave soul. LOL Welcome, and nice to have you here :)

  • 3 November, 2006 at 8:15 am

    I’ve already left a comment once, about the spanking menus…
    I am not coming to your blog everyday…

    But I am happy to take this opportunity to say you hello!

    By the way, I’ve seen somewhere that we were neighbours, northeasterners!

    And from that day, I have a little dream:

    on a shopping day, seeing, and then lurking at a loving couple, walking just two or three meters ahead of me…

    The girl, you haron, being cheeky (of course…) and the man (you, Abel…) tapping gently her bottom and telling her with a sweet but firm voice:

    “you know you are in trouble, honey…”

    just loud enough so I can hear it!

    And that would give me a big smile inside, for the rest of the day!

    Thanks for your blog. Take care.


  • 3 November, 2006 at 8:23 am

    Hey, Yann, that’s a cool fantasy! Actually, whenever I get a smack in a public place, I wonder how many people understand just what’s going on.

    (For acuracy’s sake, Abel is more likely to say “young lady” than “honey”. Just so you know, if you ever see us LOL)

  • 3 November, 2006 at 9:04 am

    Hi Haron,
    I discovered your blog several weeks ago and look forward to visiting it now each day. I find myself listening in to conversations and thinking ‘Abel would love this’. The two of you are a delight, and I particularly enjoy the comments. The stories you both write that relate to your own relationship are by far the best. ‘For Real’ is a well balanced story that makes me wonder if it was ‘for real’ and your 3 part story re not calling to say you would be late, is the best spanking story I have read. Keep up the excellent work – you guys so often make my day! (I may be in big trouble for sending this)

  • 3 November, 2006 at 9:20 am

    Aw, thanks, Robbo :) Hope you won’t get into trouble (unless you want to be, that is).

    I’m glad you like the stories. To my knowledge, “For Real” isn’t based on a r/l scene, and my story (no, I can’t remember what it was called, either) was pure undiluted fantasy when I was still single and unspanked, but hey, fantasies are great! Particularly when they come true.

  • 3 November, 2006 at 1:32 pm

    Haron, I’m no lurker on you site, but it’s one of those sentimental moments to say ‘thank you’ for being there on my delurk on SSS… a good while ago. It helped! :)

    Keep on doing a great job, girl! :)


  • 3 November, 2006 at 2:05 pm

    Bonnie – thanks! The day looks like a grand ol’ success to me. :)

    Kay – {{{hugz}}}, girl :) It’s sure great to find you again after so many years. (Or rather, to be found by you LOL)

  • 3 November, 2006 at 2:15 pm

    I am rather new to reading your blog, but I love it! I’m not sure if I’ve ever left a comment or not, so I thought I should do something to change that.

  • 3 November, 2006 at 2:34 pm

    Great de lurker post! Hope you gets lots of good comments!


  • 3 November, 2006 at 2:49 pm

    Nope – you aint gonna trick me into delurking by such an obvious subterfuge.

    Better luck next time.


    (who you still can’t see because he’s hiding behind that big trash can over there)

  • 3 November, 2006 at 2:52 pm

    Juju – high and welcome! *waves* I’m pretty sure you’ve left comments before, but it’s nice of you to leave more :)

    Theresa – thanks :)

    Dave – your butt is so busted, mate. *manic laughter*

  • 3 November, 2006 at 3:25 pm

    Your site is beautiful. The design is soothing and the layout is easy to navigate. It’s one of the reasons that I have your site blogrolled. So even though I have been here before, this is my first comment. It won’t be my last.

    The Butterfly Temptress

  • 3 November, 2006 at 3:53 pm

    Happy Friday Haron (and Abel),
    Thank you so much for coming to visit my blog today, and leaving a comment ! I appreciate it !
    Bonnie’s idea was a great one, wasn’t it !
    I saw you have me linked already — that is very sweet ! (I will come back and check you out over the next few days, and read as many of your stories as I can !) In all likelihood, I will end up adding you as a link as well on mine !
    Nice to meet you !
    Anne Elizabeth

  • 3 November, 2006 at 4:09 pm

    I saw the delurk post on Bonnies site… but haven’t delurked there yet :( Sorry Bonnie… I will rectify that pronto, like the good girl I am :)

    “whenever I get a smack in a public place, I wonder how many people understand just what’s going on.

    (For acuracy’s sake, Abel is more likely to say “young lady” than “honey”. Just so you know, if you ever see us LOL) ”

    I love getting a smack in public, love wondering what other people think…oh, I just love it, love it love it!

    How about when Abel says “my dear” Haron… whenever I read that I imagine there is a certain emphasis placed on those words to make the young lady he’s addressing know she’s in trouble, am I right?

  • 3 November, 2006 at 4:15 pm

    ButterflyTemptress – Thank you for stopping by, and for the nice things you say! Nice to meet you :)

    Anne Elizabeth – Yes, it looks like a resounding success all across the spankosphere! Bonnie is great.

    Sarah – I think he’s picked up the “my dear” bit from me. I say “yes, dear” as a replacement for “you’re kidding, right?” LOL

  • 3 November, 2006 at 5:24 pm

    I’ve popped by here from time to time following links from other people but keep forgetting to add ye to my favourites list – its getting sorted now!!!

    I love the stories so sweet (and sexy and spanky!)


  • 3 November, 2006 at 5:44 pm

    I’m a lurker and enjoy your english adventures!

  • 3 November, 2006 at 10:09 pm

    Dearest Haron and Abel –

    Your little daily sobriquets are one of the most anticipated moments of my day. I am pleased that you live on the British Isles so that, upon starting my day, I may enjoy a little spanking with my cup of tea.

    This is clearly a labour of love (I even spelled it with a “u” in honour of your home (see, I did it again)), and look forward to many more smiles from reviewing your articles.


  • 3 November, 2006 at 11:59 pm

    i think i’ve commented enough not to be a lurker but i thought i’d say hello anyway because i know how nice it is to see lots of comments! :) i love that i can always count on your site for an interesting read, and for that reason it is one of only 2 or 3 that i check on a regular basis (at least a couple of times a week). stimulating and intelligent but also friendly and accessible… what could be better?

    i love those little public swats too. i love getting them and i love seeing them! and seeing them always makes me want to get them more. :)

  • 4 November, 2006 at 12:58 am

    Haron and Abel,

    I’ve only been here once, right after you started this site… but haven’t been back. I love your writing… always admired it on the Punishment Book which is how I found you two the first time around.

    But you never replied to my comments or questions there and the one time I came here, the result was the same. I know we all get busy and have little time for commenting but since I tend to be a prolific commenter, I guess I at least hope for some acknowledgement, especially when as I did on the PB, I used to comment on virtually every post (haven’t done so in a very, very long time for the reason just mentioned).

    I always love(d) you and Mija and Sparkle and your little circle of friends, but also felt very much excluded… have things changed? If so, I’d love to start hanging out around you guys again both here and on the PB… let me know. You could always take a spin by my little corner of bloggerdom and see what you think…

    You two are amazingly talented writers and I really do wish I’d be able to get to know you a bit better!


  • 4 November, 2006 at 1:05 am

    Been lurking your site for a few months now. Lovely writing. Lovely relationship. I tend to like sites that highlight people in healthy relationships. I am not in one myself, but aspire very much to be in one. Perhaps I look for some pearls of wisdom to drip from your words. Or the words of the other writers on the other sites–you know the ones… love you all. Thank you all!!!

  • 4 November, 2006 at 5:01 am

    Delurking makes me veryveryvery nervous.

    But, um, hello. I’ve read your blog since, essential, its inception. Abel’s stories were some of the first I read and felt my stomach flip-flop in a good way…back when I was probably 13?

    Right. Back under my blanket I go.

  • 4 November, 2006 at 5:01 am

    Essentially, that is. Shoot.

  • 4 November, 2006 at 9:11 am

    Hi, all of you :-) So nice to see so many people saying hello: as we watch the stats for the site, we always wonder who’s out there and whether they are enjoying reading the site as much as we enjoy writing it.

    I love Bonnie’s idea of this delurk day. I remember how long it took for me to pluck up the courage to post my first entry on the sss newsgroup years ago, and the butterflies in my stomach as I did. So this scheme is such a lovely idea.

    Anyway, to the most recent delurkers: a huge hello to mthc, Francis, Sadie and Lauren. Hope we hear more from you all (and Lauren, do re-emerge from beneath that blanket sometime!).

    Tiggr – we do try really hard to respond to comments. Genuinely sorry if we’ve missed one from you – we don’t mean to offend, far from it. (I can’t seem to find your previous comments here – I have a nasty feeling they may have been waylaid by our spam filter: if so, again, a thousand apologies). I’m really looking forward to exploring your own blog!

    And hi again, Persephone (I love your blog – always such thoughtful and intense writing; highly recommended to everyone here).

  • 4 November, 2006 at 10:37 am

    Delurking late (better than never)…

    I especially like the idea of spanking startles which you flag up in your blog. I work in an archive and I see a lot of memoirs, and always check the first chapter because there is invariably a section on schooling which will have a throwaway comment along the lines of “I got into the usual japes and had to see the headmaster more than once for the birch etc”. Some of them are more detailed and, um, inspiring.

    For example, one chap in military academy described the going to bed rituals. All students had to lie in bed ‘at attention’ in the dark. A prefect would read out a list of names. If you were called you had to get up, go down the hall to the bathrooms, and bend over for a prefect with a cane before returning to bed.

    Another man described being taken to Australia one winter (in the 1890s). While the parents were at tea or a party or similar, the group of children onboard decided to play a game which involved dangerous clambering over rigging type activities. Suddenly a crewman appeared and summoned them to the bridge to see the captain. They were very excited until he gave them a stern lecture and spanked each in turn with a slipper. Apparently the Australian parents were furious but the English were very pleased!


  • 4 November, 2006 at 2:43 pm

    Hey, Risky Kitty, nice to meet you :)

    Those are fantastic little morsels. You could build a whole blog out of it, you know – have you ever considered it?

    I want your job! LOL

  • 5 November, 2006 at 7:04 am

    Okay, so I’m just going to go ahead and do this. . .(even though I’m verrry nervous) I’ve been a lurker on spanking blogs/sites for about two years now, and yours is definitely one of my favorites. (I realize it’s about two days late for de-lurking day, but oh well, I can’t help that I missed it…) I’m sorry I missed delurk day; and I’m glad you two maintain such a delightful blog! Thanks for the thought, humor and honesty,


  • 8 November, 2006 at 1:52 pm

    Tracy – thanks, nice of you to stop by

    Laris – don’t be nervous, OK? No need to wait for a delurk day to actually delurk. See, you did it, and nothing scary happened. :) Thanks for reading, and nice to meet you.

  • 15 November, 2006 at 6:38 am

    I’ve had this page up on my computer for days now and I’ve finally decided to go forth and delurk :)

    Please excuse how stalker-ly this sounds, but I’ve actually been following you (Haron) around online for a long time. I believe I first saw your writing on the Spanking Memories site and then later a few pieces on the Saint Francis School for Girls website. I was thrilled to stumble upon the Punishment Book site – new stuff from you and also Mija, whose writings I’ve also enjoyed reading for a long time. From there, I found this blog. I now check this site and the Punishment Book site daily… I sound like such a stalker, don’t I :)

    Anyway, I’ve just moved in with my Boyfriend/Spanker. I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before I have stories of my own to share :)

  • 16 November, 2006 at 8:13 am

    Welcome, Claudine. :) Wow, my very own stalker! I’ve done so much of that over the years myself (including the stalking of Mija, who’s now a good friend), but never thought I had one too.

    Good luck with your boyfriend. Not that I wish any pain on you, obviously, but I’m looking forward to hearing some stories :)


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