Two New Spanking Blogs: Kate James and Ted.

There are some new blogs in town, and I think you should know about them.

“Ted’s Excellent Adventures” is by, well, by Ted. You might have read his stories on Laura’s Spanking Corner, so he is quite the classic author, you know. Ted is also a long-time poster on the soc.sexuality.spanking newsgroup, which has long been our Internet home.

Kate’s Spanking Journal is written by Katherine James, also a poster on soc.sexuality.spanking. She hasn’t been there long, but has already shown herself to be an excellent writer and a pleasant human being, which is not a bad thing to be. Oh, and she’s a cheerleader. Cool, huh? I’m looking forward to reading what she has to say.

2 thoughts on “Two New Spanking Blogs: Kate James and Ted.

  • 19 November, 2006 at 5:37 pm

    Haron, thanks for the blogs! I will definitely check them out! :) The more nice people in spanking blogland, the merrier! :) Hugz!

  • 19 November, 2006 at 5:39 pm

    Yep, I’m of the firm opinion that the blogosphere needs as many blogs as people can be bothered to write. :)


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