Daddy, the book, the bedroom, the belt

Saturday. 7.03 a.m.

My darling wife’s downstairs, curled up in pyjamas on the sofa with a book. That book. She joined the hoards at the local Waterstone’s at midnight; returned home triumphant; hasn’t been to bed. And she’s still only half way through (page 356, to be precise).

Naturally, when I woke, I too pondered the plot of the final work of the Harry Potter series. Or, at least, the one major outstanding issue… Hermione must surely be caned in this one. Surely? Please?

And then my thoughts turned darker. A daddy, walking sleepily downstairs first thing in the morning. Catching his daughter reading; realising that she’d been up all night. Without permission, of course. Indeed, against his specific instructions.

Tearing the book from her hands. Dragging her upstairs, bending her over the end of the bed. Thrashing her soundly on the bare with his thick leather belt – for staying up late, and for disobeying him.

I mentioned my idea to Haron as I flicked on the machine to make a much-needed coffee. “Don’t touch my book,” was the grumpy refrain. That’d be ‘no’ to playing a scene, then…

PS No, we don’t want anyone posting helpful hints about the ending to save Haron some reading time, thank you very much.

11 thoughts on “Daddy, the book, the bedroom, the belt

  • 21 July, 2007 at 8:42 am

    That’s just teasing us. Ask her again later. :-)

  • 21 July, 2007 at 1:26 pm

    Able, don’t ask, tell.
    Sorry Haron. 😉
    Warm hugs,

  • 21 July, 2007 at 6:29 pm

    I stayed up all night reading.. I’m telling you, that book is better than sex.

  • 21 July, 2007 at 10:09 pm

    Abel I like the sound of your fantasy better than those of Ms Rowling.I don’t suppose you’re a daddy looking to adopt?

    H x

    p.s. are you ever going to post any new stories on your other site? How about a stern guardian and his wayward ward?

  • 22 July, 2007 at 12:21 am

    Well I couldn’t care less about Harry Potter and his cohorts but have carried your lovely daddy with a belt story in my head all day and it’s been great :)

  • 22 July, 2007 at 1:28 am

    Sarah: I agree with your every word. But isn’t that sweet…just when we were starting to think that the joys of parenthood might pass them by, along comes a girl looking for adoption…and with an excellent suggestion…a stern guardian story would be most agreeable :-)

  • 22 July, 2007 at 5:19 am

    See and here I agree with Haron. I haven’t got the book yet because I couldn’t make the midnight rush but once I do start reading I’d be quite grumpy to be interrupted. Even by spanking.

  • 22 July, 2007 at 6:43 am


    I’d finished by 6:45 AM — the one upside to my grad work is that I can read insanely fast when I want to.

    But no one offered to strap me. He was too busy sleeping.

    (P *did* come with me to see all the cute girls in their uniforms last night though.)

  • 22 July, 2007 at 8:04 am

    Rob – ‘later’ she was too sleepy, having stayed up all night, and too engrossed in her thoughts about the book to do anything much!

    Paul – trust me, coming between a girl and her Harry would be suicidal!

    Evie – I am *so* tempted to make a naughty comment about your lovers proficiency, but I wouldn’t be so rude 😉

    Harriet – I’m sure I meet all the criteria for adopting: kind, fair, strict when necessary… Committed to helping a girl with her development, ensuring she stays on the right path… (And the stories site is going to be updated at some point, promise!)

    Sarah – I share the lack of interest in the book, other than fascination about the scale of the event and the hysteria. But I did see a young lady shopping in Monsoon with a copy of the book in her hand yesterday afternoon, and wondered whether she’d had to flee a furious daddy to go and read it in town…

    Rob – I do so love ‘guardian’ stuff. Harriet’s laid down the challenge now to make me think about writing a new story along those lines :-)

    Megs – see, I know when to disturb girls and when not to. I almost didn’t reply to your comment just in case you’re in the middle of reading; wouldn’t want to distract you from more important matters!

    Hi, Mija :-) I’ve got a cold (sympathy from everyone, please), so even the idea of uniformed girls couldn’t drag me to the bookstore at midnight. Although I did have the cruel idea of getting to the front of the queue, buying a copy and walking up and down the line of fans outside reading the final pages aloud…

    Thanks, all, for a lovely set of comments :-)

  • 22 July, 2007 at 8:14 am

    You are SO sweet to wrote us all messages whilst feeling poorly. Thank you, but it’s back to bed now or a smacked bottom for you!!

  • 23 July, 2007 at 3:11 pm

    I went out and bought the book a 7am on Saturday, and didn’t have much time to read it that day. But I was finished as of 830pm last night. And I loved every second of it. I won’t give away the ending, though, that would be mean! Leave the girl to her reading! She could be doing much worse things with her time. 😛


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