The belt, later

My train to London was quite hideously late. The axles overheated, the power lines were down, and there were no free platforms at the terminus. The carriages were crammed full of irate travellers; the catering ran out; the lavatories blocked.

I’d overheard the lass opposite me – a student, perhaps, returning home? – calling her parents early in the journey to plan their rendezvous. They’d be waiting for her on the platform. Cuddles and hugs would be the order of the day, no doubt.

She then lost herself in her DVD, quite oblivious to the world around her. About five minutes after we’d been due to arrive – and a good hour before we did – her phone trilled loudly.

“No, we’re late….” “Very late, I think…” “I’m sorry. I thought you’d check…” “I think there’s a coffee shop…”

And then came a long pause, followed by a sniffle, and a “I’m really sorry” leading to an “I should have been more thoughtful”. Cue tears, to be wiped away after she’d finished the call.

I so wanted to offer her some consolation, to tell her I understood. After all, daddy had no doubt finished by telling her she’d go straight to her room when they got home, and she knew exactly what would happen there.

4 thoughts on “The belt, later

  • 12 October, 2008 at 9:25 pm

    Aaaawwwwwwww. Why are you always so mean to the people you meet?! She was sad enough, you didn’t have to conjur up ways in which she could be made more miserable! You’re so cruel!

  • 12 October, 2008 at 10:33 pm

    But Smudge, look on the bright side: if he’s thinking of ways to torture innocent bystanders, at least his fervid imagination isn’t working on more ways to be mean to you 😉

  • 13 October, 2008 at 8:29 pm

    I don’t think Abel was mean, he wanted to console her!

    She did bring it on herself,what else could her Daddy do but punish her?

  • 14 October, 2008 at 4:33 am

    It’s not her fault the stupid train was late, Abel!
    She should have blamed her failure to call on poor cell phone reception!


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