A trademark implement

It has occurred to me recently that tops tend to have favourite implements, which people associate with them. My dear Abel is famous for his love of canes, which he swings with considerable gusto.

For a while I didn’t realise this, but as a top I’ve also developed a favourite implement, and it worries me somewhat that it tends to be the hairbrush. I seem to feel a particular affinity with brushes, and love to apply them to bottoms squirming over my knee. The reason this worries me is that brushes are quite evil; this is well known. Am I therefore evil?

Be that as it may, I’m not about to reject the brush. I need to reflect upon why it attracts me so much. Perhaps, it’s the feeling of spontaneity: when a punishment is necessary, I grab the first thing my eye falls on, which is my own hairbrush on the nightstand. Maybe it’s that I’m never travelling without a brush, and therefore am never without an implement. There’s also the intimacy of the over-the-knee position, my favourite both as a top and a bottom. Long live the brush, and its evil pleasures.

That said, my caning practice is going very well, thank you for asking.

10 thoughts on “A trademark implement

  • 20 February, 2011 at 3:58 pm

    My favorite spanking implement to use on a naughty woman’s bare bottom is the cane. My nom-de-plume, says it all. The beautiful swish, that it makes when it descends upon her naked rear end, is music and a delight to hear.

  • 20 February, 2011 at 9:56 pm

    That’s funny, Haron, I just wrote a post about a similar topic. :-) To my surprise I found out that I love hand spankings! Unfortunately Ludwig isn’t into hand spankings, at least not on the receiving end, but luckily my caning practice is also going very well, so that shouldn’t be a big problem… 😉 And I’m not sad about the prospect of using a cane instead of my hand either, because as implements go the cane is my favourite one. Ludwig seems to have a bad influence on me…

  • 21 February, 2011 at 11:32 am

    No, a love for the hairbrush does not make you evil. The evil of the hairbrush comes solely from it’s ability to strike fear in the heart of the culprit. But, it’s best if punishees have a healthy fear of the implement to be used because that leads to better behavior. Think how much better you behave when you know that there could be a serious session with the back of a hairbrush on your naked behind! At least, I’m much more likely to behave properly if there’s the threat of getting it good with that thing.

    Each implement has its own feel. Sometimes the warm feel of a well-warmed bottom that’s felt the hairbrush is just the thing. Sometimes the welts of a belt or stick is more comforting.

    But, overall, I think that you should be respected for your use of the brush. So, no, I don’t think you are evil for using it, but you might be for giving the bottom a devil of a time with it!

  • 21 February, 2011 at 11:35 am

    Oh, Rich, you enabler, you :)

  • 21 February, 2011 at 12:48 pm

    Yes, my dear, a love for the hairbrush is undoubtedly evil!!!!

    To be fair, I use one on Nick, but he actually likes it. From my perspective as a bottom, hairbrushes are desirable only in fantasy. In that, they have a slight advantage over wooden spoons, which are never found in my fantasies.

  • 21 February, 2011 at 3:24 pm

    I vote clothesbrush ahead of hairbrush. Does that make me even more evil than you? xx

  • 21 February, 2011 at 4:55 pm

    I think clothesbrushes are even more evil than hairbrushes, so yes it does!

    I should probably say I’m allergic to all brushes – I come out in red blotches!

  • 24 February, 2011 at 2:39 am

    Hmm… I wonder if J had a trademark implement? He used almost everything in his considerable (although nowhere near as considerable as yours & Abel’s) collection without showing a particular favorite. Paddles, canes, straps, brushes, birches… all had equal opportunity to scorch my bottom. No.. the only ones that seemed to be preferred were the ones he knew I hated the most.

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  • 12 March, 2011 at 4:25 am

    I have always loved the hairbrush on my bare bottom, after a good hand spanking to warm me up. I have a lovely clothesbrush and bathbrush, but there is something horribly intimate and nostalgic to be spanked with a hairbrush.


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