The changing room

A photo of a girl in a changing room in a clothes shop. Naked. Mobile phone in hand. Her clothes scattered on the floor; her potential purchases neat on hangers.

How I love Tumblr. And how I love the idea. Taking a girl shopping. Making her behave. Despatching her with some items to try on, and telling her she wouldn’t be allowed back out until she had texted me a naked selfie, and until I had replied giving her permission to emerge.

I think she’d have had to wear a short skirt that day. That she wouldn’t be allowed to put her knickers back on, when she came out from the changing room.

That we’d have to find somewhere discreet for me to check whether she was wet from being a good and compliant girl. (Or, better, somewhere indiscreet).

That she’d have to be fucked, very soon after, being obedient and doing precisely what I expected of her, without question, no matter how rough.

Where? When? Who?

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