Flogging in Europe, 1900

Going through old newspaper archives, you discover the most interesting things. For instance, the April 8, 1900 edition of “Washington Post” contained, apparently, an article entitled “Flogging in Europe”. (You never know when people in Washington may need to find out all about the whacking habits across the ocean.) The table of contents looks ever so enticing:

  • Lash for Youthful Offenders Favored by England
  • Russia’s retention of the knout
  • Corporal Punishment in England and Germany Bids Fair to Be Extended to Minor Violations of the Law
  • Great Men of England Who Have Been Whipped at School -Lord Salisbury Holds the Record in that Line at Eton — Gladstone Never Flogged.

Shame you have to pay $11 to get the copy of the article itself. I’m not that dedicated, I’m afraid.

But: “Gladstone never flogged”? Where on earth did he go to school, that he managed to escape it?

EDIT: But of course it was 1900, not 1990. Sorry, so sorry!

9 thoughts on “Flogging in Europe, 1900

  • 8 February, 2007 at 12:35 pm

    Ms Haron, I fear that you have erred. The summary you link states that the article appeared on “Apr 8, 1900.” Is flogging in order for your misquote?

    A mere 107 years ago, this probably was noteworthy in DC. Too bad the current Commander-in-Chief is immune from such treatment. Perhaps it would set him straight.

  • 8 February, 2007 at 2:29 pm

    Mitch – I don’t share your view. Bush is not a bad man, just doesn’t see clearly. I am sure he is trying his best.

    In the meantime, I do believe that public school CP is still legal in couple of the states in US, and is not forbidden in private schools.

    Haron – what’s knout :)? You probably know what it looks like, too.

  • 8 February, 2007 at 2:33 pm

    Oh, oh, oh, I get it – the “knut” thing…

  • 8 February, 2007 at 6:49 pm

    Not sure where Gladstone went to school but I know he used to live in a house that became part of my university in Liverpool, I like to think that the computer room was his old bedroom. I’m sure he was flogged there…. or was that just in my head?! 😉

  • 8 February, 2007 at 8:03 pm

    Re: Gladstone never flogged.

    He went to Eton. Surely he couldn’t have escaped being the recipient of at least a thrashing if not a flogging!

    So perhaps the headline means that ‘Gladstone never flogged another boy’, possibly as a prefect?

    That might fit in with his political outlook. I am disinclined to believe that he never crossed the path of a principal who didn’t share his principles.

  • 9 February, 2007 at 3:15 am

    Maybe he was a teacher’s pet? As for flogging Bush I don’t think it would do any good, but I’d still love to see it!

  • 14 February, 2007 at 11:51 pm

    Is there a difference between the terms “whipping” and “flogging”? They seem to be often used interchangeably.

  • 26 February, 2007 at 5:25 pm

    I’m on this like white on rice. Our university librarians love obscure searches, so if the usual routes of the public libraries access (our county library has lots of those archive subscriptions. We’re told as incoming freshman to use the county system, because it’s so good), I’ll submit a request. Covered by student fees.

    I’ll hop on getting the full article later today.

  • 26 February, 2007 at 7:18 pm

    Oooh, cool. Good luck!


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