The story behind a spanking drawing

For the most part, we make a point of not posting too many spanking pictures: this blog is about expressing ourselves with words, through words.

Then again, sometimes you just have to. Abel has come across a blog in German by Strenger Lehrer,* who posts lots of spanking drawings.** Now, I find drawings even more attractive than photos (and I love spanking photos), so I had a good dig-around in his archives.

…I remember, when I was at school, we regularly had this type of homework where we were given a picture, and had to write a story based on it. What is happening here? What has happened before? Why are these people acting the way they are in the picture?

I suggest a similar excercise. Here’s a picture:

A spanking drawing of a girl stripping for her punishment in front of a group of horrified onlookers

What do you think is going on? For one thing, is this a school? I think it is, but it might be a governess punishing her charge with the help of a butler, or somebody.

What do you think the girl has done? Do you reckon all the other girls are here to watch, or are they waiting for their turn on the whipping bench?

I leave it to your imagination, folks.

* “Strict Teacher”, if my German has not entirely abandoned me.
** Though he never links to where he’s found them in the first place, which is annoying if you’re trying to find more by the same author.

27 thoughts on “The story behind a spanking drawing

  • 7 September, 2007 at 10:04 pm

    Well if english A-levels followed this format (and topic) I’d so be getting A’s.

  • 8 September, 2007 at 6:55 am

    If Evie’s not getting A’s, and this type of arrangement would help, that presents a most interesting rationale for the use of the cane…

  • 8 September, 2007 at 7:39 am

    BTW I can just about pick out one word from the caption: “straffalligen”, which according to one online translator means “culpable”. Quite.

  • 8 September, 2007 at 8:27 am

    Maybe more delinquently than culpable.

  • 8 September, 2007 at 10:10 pm

    Eeep Abel, don’t suggest things like that! I’m going back to school in 3 weeks to start an MSc…

  • 11 September, 2007 at 4:11 am

    Haron, m’dear – I think we’ve defeated the creativity of our commenters!

    I personally think these are new girls, sharing a dorm. They’d been told about the consequences of further misehaviour after lights-out, but hadn’t really believed them. So they were shocked when their House Tutor caught them again and took them en masse to the Housemaster. He’s just given the first of the girls her caning: just two strokes, but that’s enough. The others are lined up waiting their turn…

    Come on, folks, if anyone’s still reading comments on this a few days on: what’s your version of the story? (Is it spankable’s MSc class after submitting their first paper, perchance?)

  • 11 September, 2007 at 9:04 am

    The school operates a demerit points system, and at the end of each week, any girl accruing more than 10 points is sent to the Headmaster; less than 10 points is dealt with by detention. This week there are 6 girls. Marie has stepped forward and is being asked by the Deputy Headmistress to explain her 15 demerits. She will then receive 1 stroke for each point more than 10 she has racked up, as the detention also has to be served for the first 10. Sofie, (3rd from the left) is hiding her face as Marie is her best friend, and also Sofie received 6 strokes the previous day for failing to complete her maths prep. The Headmaster looks on, as he waits for Marie to assume the position.

  • 11 September, 2007 at 9:46 am

    Mmmm, names. Nice touch, Gerrard.

    Perhaps the Headmistress is lecturing Samantha, who’s just received six strokes: “We know one of your friends here was with you, and we shall keep caning you until you tell us which of them it was…”

  • 11 September, 2007 at 11:21 am

    I can’t figure out why she had to take her dress off. They are short and it really wasn’t necessary. But I like Gerrard’s idea – it ties in with a fantasy of mine: At my fantasy school you can earn 5 ‘black marks’ and nothing happens but earn a 6th and all hell breaks loose. SIX black marks put you into the Sunday evening discipline session where you are lectured along with all the other girls in the room and the nasty master reads out the girl’s name and all her misdemeanors for the week – thereby leading to the imminent caning. For the seventh, eighth….black mark there are extras over and above the ‘six of the best’. In my fantasy school you have to walk into another smaller room where the aforementioned nasty master awaits the arrival of each girl one by one, and then they return back to the group…but in this case the nasty master (and he looks particularly nasty in this picture) prefers the group to stay together for the whole box and dice!

  • 11 September, 2007 at 11:50 pm

    There has recently been an increase in the school staff discovering stashes of forbidden items: racy books, cigarettes, packs of playing cards, all hidden away in anonymised places. It has been impossible to identify any of the culprits.

    The Headmistress has decreed a series of spontaneous body searches: the door of the classroom is locked, and a senior tutor stands by with a cane in case anything untoward is found.

    This poor girl has a pack of cigarettes stashed away in her bra, and she has just been told to hand it over…

  • 12 September, 2007 at 12:08 am

    Now if I had been a boarder and not a “day bug” I would have known that! I do recall now girls talking about strip searches and this explains her attire.

    Do try us again with another one. We didn’t do that well, I’m afraid.

  • 12 September, 2007 at 12:11 am

    LOL My version is not definitive, Rob, much as I like it :) You can go on coming up with different versions for as long as you like!

    (This used to be my favourite essay task at school, you know. The drawings didn’t tend to be this interesting, though.)

  • 12 September, 2007 at 9:10 am

    The gentleman is the local magistrate. He has kindly agreed with the Headmistress that a recent incident of drunken behaviour in the local park, involving a group of girls from the school, might be dealt with “in house” rather than being taken through the courts…

    The crying girl in the queue is the sister of the first girl to have been thrashed.

  • 12 September, 2007 at 9:12 am

    Rob, I’ve known schools where daybugs got searched on the way in to make sure they weren’t carrying contraband!

    Abel – Nooooo! That is NOT what’s going to happen in my MSc!

  • 12 September, 2007 at 9:49 am

    The girls were all out on a school trip when they spotted a suave chap wearing a T-shirt bearing the slogan “Warning: all girls in the vicinity are liable to be spanked”.

    Intrigued, they rushed over, only to find themselves upended one by one over said chap’s knee – on the steps of the British Museum, no less! – enduring the promised experience.

    News of this shocking occurrence having been reported back, they are now lining up for the cane, for bringing shame on their educational establishment, and also in order to teach them the error of their ways: one must not talk to strangers (and there’s none more strange than the wearer of the T-shirt).

    And the crying girl? She’s the one who had first spotted him…

  • 12 September, 2007 at 12:05 pm

    Remember the guy in the creepy t-shirt? Well he sold the girls t-shirts that read ‘I’ve been spanked on the steps of the British Museum’, and in a random search of the girls’ rooms the t-shirts were found stashed amongst the food supplies under the bed of the girl in the centre of the scene. She is being questioned about them and the sorrid story is being drawn out piece by piece. The master is standing by, because ‘girls who agree to being spanked on the steps of the British Museum, bringing ill repute on their school, shall receive the cane.’ And of course, that is the line they wrote 300 times over, sitting on their freshly caned bottoms (that’s in the next picture that you can’t see.)

  • 12 September, 2007 at 5:45 pm

    I could imagine this being a school trip. The girls were taken to a museum to do some research on a topic they’ll have to write an important essay on, say evolution. They were more interested in the museum’s bar than their collection on evolution, however, and when their teachers wanted to have a cup of coffee in the bar and found the girls there, drinking martini’s, they decided to deal with them on the spot. A kind museum employee would have lent them his office. I could imagine the teacher having taken a cane with her, knowing that the girls would cause trouble once again. Maybe she gave the girls a lecture on the effect of a punishment on the human body and brain, promising them that this would be the topic of the essay they would have to hand in the following day as an extra punishment. That would explain why the girl is undressed: the other girls would be able to see the marks, which they could describe in their essay 😉

  • 12 September, 2007 at 9:12 pm

    Well I think the girl who looks like she’s already got a rosy red bottom is the twin of the girl nearest the door, the one with the rather aloof and angry expression on her face, the one not looking scared, upset or nervous like the rest of them…and for a good reason, she’s the evil twin and has managed to get her poor sister into trouble.

    All the girls know who was spotted out and about in the local village, cavorting with boys and drinking cider no less, but as she is such a witch they are afraid to say and silently watch as the innocent girl is caned (well, perhaps she’s not completely innocent, as she has got that packet of cigarettes stuffed down her bra, but she’s not the one who was out of bounds and behaving innapropriately the night before).

    What we can’t see is the bottle of vodka hidden in the toilet cistern of the dormitory, the vodka that comes out that evening and after a few mouthfuls gives some young ladies the dutch courage needed to track down evil twinny, divest her of her rather fetching pj’s and take turns giving her a sound spanking with the hairbrush, not letting up until she breaks down and signs a confession meaning that we will all be back in the headmaster’s office tomorrow enjoying another caning, this time on an already tender backside.

  • 13 September, 2007 at 12:49 am

    These T-shirts are getting out of control! I do wonder about a variant on the old tourist favourite, though:

    “My partner and I went to London, and all I got was a sound spanking.”

    Katie: you have a cruel imagination! LOL but I do really like the idea of a museum having a bar selling cocktails, and catching members of a school trip in there! (Would one tell their teachers, or not?!)

    Sarah: nice idea! And her caning the following day would, of course, have to include not just the strokes she should have taken for the original offence, but also a much more severe punishment for her deception.

  • 13 September, 2007 at 9:38 pm

    The girl on the left is angry. The next two are distraught. The fourth looks angry and the fifth is worried. All these girls are going to get punished, but the one who is crying is the one who is going to get punished the most. She is the real naughty girl who got the other girls in trouble.

    The other girls are wearing socks, but the naughty girl is wearing stockings, and they are falling down. Her garter belt has been removed so she can be punished fully.

    It is Friday and the girls were going to go to a party at a boy’s house after school. The party was going to last all night–the boy’s parents had to go out of town unexpectedly. The girls are dressed nicely, but too revealingly in the opinion of the headmaster and headmistress. The girls might have gotten away with just a warning, or maybe a couple of swats with a paddle. They had planned, if challenged, to lie and tell the headmistress they were just dressing up for a lark, but plans for the party with the boys had been discovered.

    But, unfortunately for the girls, though not for the headmaster, the girl who is crying went too far, and she dared to not wear panties to school. She was foolish, because her dress is quite short and when she dropped her pencil, in math class, and she leaned over to pick it up, she inadvertently exposed herself, between her legs, to her math teacher. He had certainly been keeping his eye on her, both eyes, actually. He’d been dwelling on her legs, which he could see quite far up between, even as she sat in her seat. His pop quiz required so much concentration that the naughty girl kept forgetting to close her legs. Then when she dropped her pencil… Oh well, we all make mistakes.

    Going to school without panties, however, and exposing yourself to your math teacher rates a serious punishment–six strokes of the rod, said the headmaster. The headmistress upped it to ten. They’re both sticklers for the rules.

    Our distressed naughty schoolgirl thought she could lessen her punishment by admitting all, but going to a boy’s house when his parents aren’t home, and for a party, earned her the promise of a hand spanking on top of her rod licking, and the other girls were going to get ten each with a strap.

    Oh well, girls will be girls. And when they are and when they’re naughty, even only a little, headmasters and headmistresses, at least these ones, will surely make them pay.

  • 13 September, 2007 at 10:06 pm

    Wow, these are great! My story is about the girls having a midnight feast. Of course, you can’t have a midnight feast without food, so some of the girls stole food from the kitchen. The girls thought they’d be clever and have their feast in one of their rooms, instead of the common room (which is where they thought they’d be more likely to get caught). The girls share two to a room, and the first girl who was just punished (Darrell) and the girl who is crying (Sarah) are the girls whose room was used for the feast. They’re also the girls who thought of the feast in the first place. The girl looking angry is Gwen. She’s the one who stopped by to tell the others to be quiet, but decided to stay for just one little snack (and then got caught with the others). She’s angry with herself for not turning them in, and angry at them for persuading her to stay. She’s especially angry because none of them agreed with her when she told the Headmaster and House Mistress that she’d only been at the feast to tell the others to stop. Now she’s being punished with the rest of them! The girl with her nose up in the air is Alicia and she thinks she has to be tough and look “too cool for school.”

  • 14 September, 2007 at 3:17 pm

    Matt – your description displays a cruel streak. I like it a lot :-)

    Lele: so long since I thought of the concept of the midnight feast. I like! And I wonder whether Alicia will manage to retain her tough pose once the cane starts landing?

  • 16 September, 2007 at 12:00 pm

    What a great drawing! I must say, it triggers more of my own spanking/spankee inclinations and curiosities than any spanking photo or video I’ve seen. And thank you for encouraging us to dig into the ideas behind the drawing and into our own desires and imaginations all the more.

    I’d like to think, simply enough, that the soon-to-be-spanked in the drawing is a schoolgirl, a good girl whom the school teacher has incorrectly chosen to punish and to utterly humiliate in front of her classmates as an example. And I want to be her! :)

  • 16 September, 2007 at 1:08 pm

    Hi, Tara – nice to hear from you! You know, sometimes the simplest ideas are the most evocative :-)

    A thought, though – is it better that her punishment is ‘incorrect’, or that she’s actually crossed the line to merit a correct punishment for once?

  • 29 May, 2008 at 10:35 am

    I’m sorry I spotted this months late (while hunting through Google for a spanking drawing actually :)) but this Helga Bode drawing is one of my favourite pictures as it says so much with such economy of style.

    Now I think these girls are all at a reformatory where discipline is strict. I believe all six have been caught out in a petty pilfering ring and have been sent to the reformatory Principal for punishment. She does not sully her hands with punishment herself, but simply observes that justice has been carried out. In addition, of course, the appointment of a male disciplinarian with strong powerful muscles not only ensures that retribution is exacted with the optimum power and pain, but, naturally, heightens the humiliation of all the girls sent for corporal punishment, to be punished by a man in front of other pupils.

    To make it worse, every girl is made to undress completely in front of their classmates, the Principal and the glittering eyes of the male punishment officer and is then strapped down, naked, for a sound caning.

    We see the first of the hapless sextet, weeping and pleading as the Principal is fiercely ordering her to remove the rest of her clothes..or else. The other five are clearly in different degrees of distress knowing that their turn to shamefully strip for the cane is only minutes away…AND they have to watch as the glowing stripes appear on their companion’s bare bottom.

    For the girl in the middle it is already all too much while the girl at the back of the queue…I’m guessing the trying to look brave, knowing that she has five welted bottoms to look at before it’s her turn!

  • 22 November, 2008 at 4:02 am

    I believe it is a school scene. All the girls were guilty including the teacher of being late to school, and the headmaster is going to cane all the girls first, and leave the teacher’s caning last. But one thing is certain, be they the naughty girls, or the naughty teacher, they would all have to bare their bottoms for a good caning. The girls getting 6 of the best, while the teacher will get 12 strokes.


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