The floggings awaiting captured girls

A most unusual dream last night. In it, Haron and one of our friends were both maidens in mediaeval times. An army was forming; the girls of the village were being pressed into service as archers.

They’d heard the rumours, though – that if the enemy caught any of the archers, they dealt out severe punishment. A captured girl could expect to be led to a nearby tree, her hands tied above her head with a rope suspended from a stout branch. The soldiers would tear open the back of her dress, then whip her soundly.

Needless to say, Haron and our friend were trying to escape their military duties. And, inevitably, I was insisting that they played their part for king and country.

(I think I may have watched too much of the archery when the Olympics was on!)

8 thoughts on “The floggings awaiting captured girls

  • 4 September, 2008 at 11:04 am

    Hehe, I read the first line wrong, and had to read it like five times trying to figure out why on earth you were dreaming about being a maiden!

  • 4 September, 2008 at 12:35 pm

    You watched archery and wouldn’t let Smudge watch more interesting sports? Now, that really is mean!

  • 4 September, 2008 at 4:05 pm

    Hmm… I think in most historical cases maidens of villages under attack would have been subjected to an entirely different kind of pillaging… archery service or not. Personally I’d rather be flogged (even if I weren’t kinky I bet).

  • 4 September, 2008 at 8:03 pm

    Having such an overactive imagination must be really quite exhausting!

  • 4 September, 2008 at 9:06 pm

    Smudge – not my thing!

    Indiana: calling me mean? Brave lass…

    Megs – different scene altogether that, and not one we’d write about on the blog!

    Eliane – yes, I am totally exhausted this evening, for some reason…

  • 5 September, 2008 at 5:05 am

    How on EARTH does one go about having kinky dreams? I’ve tried it, and it never works… I would really LOVE to be able to dream like you and Haron do – even if Haron’s dreams often leave her in suspense… 😀

  • 5 September, 2008 at 8:01 am

    Well, Rayne, I only really have a kinky dream about once every couple of weeks. The rest of it? The usual rubbish. Like, last night I spent a lot of dream-time fixing my iPod, which I don’t even *own* in real life.

    And there’s no dream-authority to complain to about inferior plots…

  • 5 September, 2008 at 11:38 am

    I love waking early and in that sort of semi-sleep state, manipulating my dreams to my own satisfaction. It’s a cross between a daydream and a proper dream but I quite often find I then drift back off to sleep and have a really delicious proper dream.:)


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