Will he tell Daddy?

Walking down a London street, I saw a girl – seventeen years old or thereabouts – talking to a businessman in a crisp suit. He was smiling and affable. Her face was frozen in what she obviously hoped was an expression of polite interest, but her body language said plainly that she would be out of this conversation as soon as it was acceptable.

I think the businessman was her father’s associate from work. He’s been to dinner a few times, knows the girl very well. When she got onto the train this morning, heading for London instead of school, she had no idea she would walk into him while enjoying her stroll past swish shops.

She wanted to dash into a shop to hide, but he noticed and hailed her first. Will he tell Daddy that he saw her in the street? Would it be wise to tell him the truth, “My father doesn’t know I’m in London today, please don’t tell him.” No, impossible; grown-ups have a bizarre unspoken agreement about these things.

What if she said, “Please don’t tell Daddy you saw me; he’ll going to give me a whipping if he knows I was in London today.” No, that’s pathetic; she can’t let him know that she still gets spanked.

Act cool. Act polite. Act as though you’re supposed to be here. He won’t question it, or mention it to Daddy, or think about it at all five minutes after your part.

2 thoughts on “Will he tell Daddy?

  • 3 October, 2008 at 3:12 pm

    You hope he won’t think anymore of it but oh that nagging fear. He might just coincidentally be speaking with Daddy over some business interest later that day and just happen to mention his brief encounter with you…….!

  • 5 October, 2008 at 8:02 pm

    hmm mm I love your mind works. This sort of scenario is among my favorites.

    Naturally, instead of informing her Father, he will have her report to his corner office at the end of the day…..and take these matters into his own capable hands.




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