The power of prefects

Here’s an interesting item: “The Loom of Youth” by Alec Waugh, a book about public school life.

From the preface we learn that it caused a scandal, and it was banned in some schools: “In self-defence the schoolmasters hit back and by mid-November the book had become the centre of violent controversy. In many schools the book was banned and several boys were caned for reading it. “

You can read it for free at the link above, but here are some nice excerpts.

The housemaster’s speech to the new boys:

“You start with clean, fresh reputations. I don’t know how long you will remain so, but you must remember that you are members of the finest house in Fernhurst…. Now we can’t all be county cricketers, we can’t all win scholarships, but we can all work to one end with an unfailing energy. You will find prefects here who will beat you if you play the ass. Well, I don’t mind ragging much and it is no disgrace to be caned for that. But it is a disgrace to be beaten for slacking either at games or work. It shows that you are an unworthy member of the House. Now I want all of you to try.”

And then the details:

He looked up for a second while thinking of a word.

“Caruthers, are you working?” Lovelace snapped out.


“You liar, you were looking out of the window, weren’t you?”

“Yes, but——”

“I’ll teach you to tell lies to me. Come and see me at nine o’clock.”

Very miserably Gordon continued his work. After about a quarter of an hour:

“Caruthers, will you take six, or a hundred lines?”

Gordon thought it was not the thing to take lines:


“Will you have it now or afterwards?”


“Hunter, go and get a cane from my study.”

Trembling with fear, Gordon heard Hunter’s feet ring down the stone passage, saw him running across to the studies by the old wall. There was silence again; then the sound of feet; Hunter returned.

“Come out here, Caruthers.”

It hurt tremendously; he went back wishing he had taken the hundred lines. But the others thought it amazingly brave of him.

One thought on “The power of prefects

  • 15 August, 2009 at 2:18 pm

    This book corrupted me in my youth. I’ve always been impressed that he apparently wrote much of it in the trenches. It’s a refreshing bit of reading after all the uber-sincere Victorian Tom Brownitude. Rather dark.


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