A caning simulator

A few days ago I was part of a discussion among friends about how hard it is to learn to cane accurately, and how much practice you should put in before indulging your fantasies of caning a real human. Cushions are normally recruited to provide a practice surface. Some people also chalk the cane, and try to land the strokes on a particular spot.

Then it occurred to me: we need a Wii Caning programme! Cushions are all very well, but if somebody were to write the necessary software, we could have something that would evaluate accuracy, strength and angle of your stroke, and give you marks out of ten. After all, a cushion can’t object if your tip is wrapping, or if you go too hard or too soft, but a clever piece of software could. You could learn so much from having something like that available to learn at home. Those of us who switch could then be punished for not getting a good enough caning score. So it would be a double win for everyone, you see.

If I could write software, I’d get started tomorrow. Maybe somebody who reads the blog has the necessary skills?

In the meantime, you could read the tips for newbie caners that Abel wrote a while ago, and get out those cushions.

3 thoughts on “A caning simulator

  • 2 May, 2010 at 2:06 am

    I would absolutely buy that! I love the interactivity of the wii and that would be the best use of the system I have heard of yet ; )

  • 4 May, 2010 at 5:14 am

    That sounds like it would be a fun game indeed. If only I had the knowledge to create games. LOL! Considering that I can play baseball (not very well) and boxing on my Wii, not to mention things like fishing and bowling, I do not see why a caning simulator couldn’t be made.

    If you are reading this and can make software, will you PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE make a game like that for us?

    Ok I am done begging LOL!

  • 8 May, 2010 at 11:13 am

    Proper caning is all about angles, trajectory, force, hand/eye coordination. One thing that can assist is having a spanking/caning bench that is at the correct height that aids in caning a naughty bare bottom without the risk of wraparound and the striking of unintended areas or body parts. The correct type of cane is also essential. Rattan, never bamboo, not too thick as to retain the correct amount of ‘whippiness’ but stiff enough to be able to control. :)


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