
Sometimes a girl can just be too cheeky, too often, for her own good. Take Bambi. She’s a lot younger than me: 21, to be precise – an excuse, in her book, for numerous ageist comments. It was therefore decreed that she needed to learn a lesson about the extra gravitas that comes from being 44.

The Hunter went first, with their dragon cane, as she bent over the desk conveniently positioned in her bedroom, with me holding her hands. 21 hard strokes, the cane drawn back and up to full height before each. (Actually, being honest, 22, as the young lady lost count at number six).

And then I followed, taking the total up to 44 – with an even-more severe implement from their collection (a rubber-covered cane).

Such a brave girl; such a severe caning – it’s been a fair while since I administered a whacking that sustained and strong. But we were nice to her afterwards – letting her sit between us on that hard wooden desk. And then each spanking the front of her thighs, hard. Such fun!

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