
Where are your spanking fantasies set?

See, I reckon I missed my vocation as a design guru. I can conjur up a setting for a spanking scenario in no time at all, imagining the room, setting out the furniture and decorating it appropriately.

Yet there are a few rooms inspired by real life that feature as locations on a regular basis. A school classroom? That’d be the fifth form classroom from my own schooldays (yet never any other of the many other rooms in which I was educated).

The staircase leading to the corridor in which a girl waits outside her housemaster’s study? Inspired by the same from my public school – even if the study itself never features. The headmaster’s office, the assembly hall? Yep, they crop up in slightly different guises. A girl’s bedroom? Often my own bedroom between ages 14 – 18, although clearly very differently decorated!

I find it slightly disconcerting, in any way, to transpose such specific teenage settings into a kinky situation, especially when their dreamt-up inhabitants are being spanked – whereas I’m on the opposite end of the equation in my contemporary fantasies, and when my childhood was entirely cp-free. Anyone else do the same, or do you always dream up new places?

5 thoughts on “Rooms

  • 31 August, 2012 at 8:33 am

    Does it get a girl spanked if she ask with genuine curiousity how you came to have a girl’s bedroom aged 14-18 ?

    Definitely have real places featuring regularly – 2nd floor form room over the headmistress’ s office, the corridor outside her study, only glimpsed through an arch which separated her house from the main school until the unfortunate day I was marched through it by two prefects. Then later the Schools building and Library of a certain beautiful city.

    Interestingly, since my school days were sadly not CP free the rooms where I witnessed it or experienced it don’t feature. The thought of it makes me shudder !

  • 31 August, 2012 at 9:19 am

    Good spot on the editing front – I’ve amended the post so it doesn’t sound as if I had a girl’s bedroom!

    Enjoying picturing your list of places!

  • 31 August, 2012 at 10:00 am

    Shame – was enjoying the picture :-) Would help if could notice my own typing. Am writing out curiosity 100 times !

  • 31 August, 2012 at 10:39 am

    What the room looks like is not important to me. The only things the room always has are the door and a single bed. Sometimes there are stairs leading to the room, but that’s it.

  • 31 August, 2012 at 12:46 pm

    The room and setting of it are always important parts of the fantasy, but I can’t think of a single one that I pulled from real life. Oddly, I’ve pulled them from stories I wrote. Near as I can figure (having just woken up and not yet ingested anywhere near enough caffeine), the office I always envision is the office in the first office-based story I wrote. Same for my ‘captive’ scenes. Okay, now I can think of one pulled from real life. All bedroom scenes involve my parents bedroom (wow, am I ever NOT going to think about that too deeply) back in the house we occupied while I was 3-11 years.


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