The unlocked gate

Amidst the formality and security of the imperial buildings in Vienna, I spied this gate rather surprisingly ajar:

Too much for a pair of giggling girls on a school trip to resist. They’d sneak through; dart upstairs; ignore the “no entry signs” and push open a heavy wooden door; explore private rooms that we clearly not meant for public access…

…until the gentleman interrupted them as they took photos reclining on a chaise longue in a grand drawing room.

“What are you doing in my rooms?” he’d splutter.

“Just exploring, sir,” they’d respond.

“These rooms are private. The signs are very clear.” He’d pick up the phone and start dialling. “Security…?”

“Please, sir? We didn’t mean any harm.” Such dread of getting into trouble with their teachers – and parents back home…

You can tell where this is going, of course. The phone put down; the offer of the age-old compromise. Each girl in turn taking down her jeans and bending over his lap for a hard hand spanking. Tears. Apologies. Them being sent on their way. And no mention of it ever again – not even from one best friend to another…

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