My New Favourites, Singapore-style

By the time you read this, I should be well and truly en route home to the UK. So, what else has been going on during my Singapore sojourn?

Well, for one thing, I have a New Favourite Drink. Cane juice (with ice and lemon). Seems kinda appropriate. That said, although it’s sugar cane, there’s something about the sight of a cane being fed inch-by-inch into a grinder that’s vaguely upsetting.

I’ve been past my New Favourite Shopping Mall. It’s called ‘The Malacca Centre’. (Didn’t bother going in: the name conjured up enough images of canes made from interesting wood, and I like the idea of girls being sent to report there).

There’s my New Favourite Hotel Maid. I’ve only just realised that the pile of canes I bought at the start of the week were left lying on the side where I unpacked them. The darling girl who was looking after my room said nothing. What a soul of discretion! LOL I did noticed that my room has being cleaned and tidied especially thoroughly, mind!

My New Favourite Rotan Fantasy concerns a daddy who canes with such gusto that the sometimes fragile rods inevitably break. His daughter is punished not with a set number of strokes, but a set number of sticks: a particularly serious offence may see her thrashed until three rotans are no more…

Finally, my New Favourite Punishable Offence is easy. The Singapore Sunday Times featured an article describing how girls are increasingly commissioning local tailors to make their uniforms. Cloth specialists increasingly ‘stock uniform materials in more commonly used whites and blues’ for students who ‘dislike the patterns if official issues’.

I’m imagining the inevitable clamp-down: girls called to the school changing room a class at a time on the first day of term; made to strip to their underwear. The Principal walks from girl to girl; each is made to present the label of her uniform shirt, sweater and skirt. Any whose garments do not come from the official source are made to turn around and bend over placing their hands on the bench, feet apart. Their knickers are pulled down, baring their backsides. Two very sharp strokes of the cane follow for each rogue item.

They’re instructed to report back one week later, having had time to purchase new supplies from the proper source, with the threat of six strokes per item should they fail to comply. And more than a few young ladies might find themselves in a very uncomfortable position at home later whilst asking for more money, trying to explain why they disobeyed their parents and failed to go to the official stockist the first time around.

12 thoughts on “My New Favourites, Singapore-style

  • 16 September, 2007 at 5:29 pm

    Abel – I’ve just had a delicious image of the girl in your New Favourite Rotan Fantasy being caught as she tampers with Daddy’s stock of rotans in a bit to weaken them and lessen her punishment…. I’m sure you can imagine the consequences of that!

  • 16 September, 2007 at 5:42 pm

    Amber – I’m back in the UK, and missing the cane juice already. Haron’s looking from the pile of rotans to our liquidizer with malicious intent, mind.

    Sarah – you have a deeply twisted imagination. I like it a lot! (“Six of the best” for the girl concerned? Canes, that is, not strokes!)

  • 16 September, 2007 at 5:56 pm

    In which case, Welcome home Abel, and Good-Luck Haron. x

  • 16 September, 2007 at 6:30 pm

    New Favourite Rotan Fantasy – Oh, dear, poor Haron!

    Abel, are you off on another trip soon?


  • 16 September, 2007 at 6:37 pm

    Oh, BTW they do sell sugar cane in the larger grocery stores here that cater to ethnic groups. I really must try that drink.

  • 16 September, 2007 at 7:32 pm

    I very much like the New Favourite Punishable Offence.
    After the second inspection, they might be lulled into a false sense of security if inspections didn’t take place for a few weeks, and you can bet that the girls would chance their arms and wear knickers purchased from, oh, lets say Victoria’s Secret. If they are caught wearing such attire again, then 12 strokes, and maybe confiscation?

  • 17 September, 2007 at 8:27 am

    As if Haron would mess with an electronic household item….

    You did after all make it clear how you felt about her not cleaning the coffee machine so she is hardly likely to demolish the liquidizer with rotans…..

  • 17 September, 2007 at 11:08 am

    I rather think you jinxed poor Haron with that coffee machine mention Rob!

  • 17 September, 2007 at 11:52 am

    Haron: OMG What a most dreadful co-incidence. I am so dreadfully sorry for mentioning the coffee machine episode. Do you know I think of you every time I clean our coffee machine, and from now on when I do, I will send a little positive thought across the ocean encouraging you to clean yours. (PS Did he bring you back a present though?)

  • 17 September, 2007 at 2:00 pm

    Where can I read about the coffee machine episode? Inquiring kinky minds want to know.

  • 17 September, 2007 at 2:15 pm

    There’s a link in today’s post, Hermione :)


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