Headmaster Will Hear About This

Last week’s Sunday Times Magazine featured a “day in the life” feature by the Headmaster of Eton: a soliloquy about things he will normally do on a working day.

Apparently, while the boys “take refreshments” mid-morning, the staff at Eton come together every day for “Chambers”, which, the esteemed gentleman says –

…enables the house masters to see me if there is a disciplinary problem with a boy – anything from missing a lesson to more serious matters. The boy gets summoned to my office, usually just before lunch. It’s a pretty formal appointment: the system is called “the Bill”. I always listen to what the boy has to say. Sometimes he has a different perspective on a situation. It’s not always a simple exercise in administering punishment.

But mostly, it’s about punishment, right? I can see a fantasy school adopting this formal summoning procedure. The glowering housemaster, the menacing pause.

“I shall be speaking to the Headmaster about this at the Chambers, young lady.”

Milk and chocolate biscuits tasting like paste, as she wonders what is being said.

The summons.

Afraid of the dark

I stayed in a hotel in the deep Hampshire countryside last month: a lovely little rural pub converted into a very chic little restaurant-with-rooms. Everything was quite perfect – until a power cut at three in the morning, which caused something electronic to splutter a dying bleep, waking me with a start.

It was *dark*. Not your normal dark – dark backlit by the faint glow of city lights, of street lamps, of distant passing cars – but properly, I’m-in-the-middle-of-nowhere dark.

As I lay on the bed, unable to get back to sleep, I whiled away some of the time imagining a kinky variant of this pitch black world. The prison cells lined a narrow corridor, deep in some dank stone dungeon. No natural light here, just the flicker of the torches flaming on the walls. And before the guards departed for the evening, even those would be extinguished, leaving the women – the king’s captured enemies? – engulfed by the absolute darkness until morning.

Except, some nights, their captors would return in the middle of the night. The prisoners would wake at the sound of the dungeon door being unbolted, at the stomp of approaching boots. Each girl would be praying: don’t let it be my turn. The guards, carrying candles, would stop outside the designated cell; would open it; would enter and step through the crowd of occupants to unlock the chains of the girl who was to be taken and whipped.

The Essay Question

A little while ago the “Modern Morals” column in “The Times” received the following question from an anonymous correspondent:

We were told to write a 3,000-word book report over a school holiday. Then we got a new English teacher, and our old one forgot about the report. As only three of us had done it, the rest of the class didn’t want us to hand in the work, in case the teacher made them do it, too. So we didn’t. But was it fair for us to have slogged for nothing when others didn’t do the work at all?

Oh, but I feel for the author of the letter, having been in a similar situation myself several times. Not with new teachers, but with old teachers who forgot all about the assignments they set. God, I used to hate that. The Times ethics columnist thinks the correspondent should be happy with all the precious learning they gained from reading the book and writing the report, and not to be the sort of swot who only worries about grading. He probably used to be the sort of person who would tease his classmates when they cared about their exam results, and call them swots.

Of course, if this situation occurred in my sort of school, the new teacher would turn out not to have forgotten about the assignment, but to have been waiting to see if the pupils are honest enough to turn in the essays when nobody had asked to see them. When there are no essays forthcoming, the entire class has to stay after school to write them in detention.

The three people who had done the homework in the first place, hand theirs in at the start of detention. They get a short lecture about bending down to peer pressure, and are allowed to go home. The rest of the class each have to stay until their work is done. As they come to the front with the finished paper, they each get two sharp licks of the tawse on each hand, to encourage their hard work in the future.

…Never let it be said I can’t nurse a grudge.

And I have no idea why they were whipped

My dream last night, very vivid. A uniformed maid stands very upright, facing the wall, trembling slightly. Behind her, a long, polished dining room table – this is a particularly grand house.Her name is called; she turns, and sees the four girls who have been punished before her, bent in a line over the end of the table. Their skirts are raised: aghast, she sees their red, striped backsides.

She walks towards the master of the house. Despite this being her first punishment at his hands, she already knows the routine, having listened as her four friends were disciplined in turn before her.

She bares her bottom at his command, bends over the table edge, stretches out. She cries out as the whip cuts down, unbelievably painfully. Six strokes, just like each the friends who were now reluctantly observing her thrashing from their table-end vantage point.

Spanked in Boot Camp

Our friend Catherine has recently shared with us her favourite spanking story, “Boot Camp” by D. Mox. After only a few paragraphs, I could see why it appealed to her, and I thought that more people deserved to know about it.

Set in a Boot Camp set up for a reality TV series, the story follows the adventures of recruit Emma Castille, who has to be one of the most memorable spanking story characters I’ve ever encountered. The plot and the dialogue drew me in, and the spanking scene was electric.

Here’s a taster for you. (And I’m posting this on Saturday morning, because the story is pretty long, and impossible to stop reading, so do avoid opening it when you’ve got work to do.)

His tone was hard and disapproving when he spoke, “Recruit Castille… I’d like to know if you regret slighting my character and inferring that I am stupid!”

Castille whimpered, “Oh, you really have no idea how much, Sir.”

His big hand cracked down on her unpunished cheeks and she yelped loudly in surprise and pain.

“That is not an acceptable answer, Castille!”

She groaned out, “I’m sorry, Sir. Yes, Sir. I am lousy with regret. Completely remorseful. I apologize deeply and offer amends to you and your family.”

McCafferty choked and tried not to laugh. God, the girl could not *keep* herself from being a smartass even when she was sincere! Tag and Schell turned their heads until they stopped chuckling. McCafferty’s voice was strident with his accent, “And what were you thinking today during that pathetic display, Recruit?”

She wished to God he would get on with it and stop torturing her, “I wasn’t, Sir.”

He growled, “Exactly! And it is totally unacceptable to me that a recruit of *mine* would act without thinking!”

He brought down his hand hard on the opposite cheek. A matching pink handprint flared up as the “Crack!” of his hand against her bottom rang in the room. She yelped loudly again.

“I want you to *state* why you are being punished, Castille.”

She squirmed with humiliation, they usually didn’t make recruits talk during punishment. She took a deep breath and murmured in her most official voice, “This recruit was insubordinate, aggressive, and insulting, Sir. This recruit deserves severe punishment for her unwarranted and inappropriate actions.”

He brought his large right hand down again, curling the fingers around her cheek with a loud “Smack!” and growled, “You bet your ass you do.” Then he started spanking her seriously.

I dare every one of the readers who are likely to be spanked some times soon to use the phrase “I’m lousy with regret, Sir/Ma’am”. After you do, please come ’round here and report the consequences!

Tips for newbie caners

One of our occasional commenters here at Spanking Writers wrote to us recently, with a plea. She’d just plucked up the courage to invest in some canes for the first time – and had realised that neither she, nor her husband, actually really knew how to apply a caning safely and effectively. Did I have any advice?

Being keen to ensure that the canes didn’t gather dust in the cupboard for lack of suggestions, I threw together a quick twelve-of-the-best tips for them to consider. I thought it’d be fun to post the list here – and to get others’ comments on technique for newbie caners:

1. Practice first: get used to hitting the target by whacking pillows. (Yes, it may sound silly, but…)

2. Give a warm-up – say an OTK spanking first: it helps to make the cane strokes slightly more bearable (even though some think it’s inauthentic if you’re playing, say, a school scene).

3. Choose the right position. It’s easier to cane accurately, at least if you’re new to it, if the young lady is lying down (perhaps on a bed with a pillow under her hips to lift her bottom up – the top can then stand to the side of the bed). If not, having you bend over something (a chair back, a desk if you have one) is easier than touching-your-toes.

4. Aim at the right spot. Be careful not to whack too high (watch out for the tail bone, particularly) or too low (the crease between the buttocks and thighs is usually seen as a sensible lowest point). Some tops mark the boundaries – the first stroke at the top of the “range”, the second at the bottom, which then it makes it easier to land the remainder on target.

5. Don’t hurry. Twenty seconds or so between strokes is good, to let the impact of the stroke reach its maximum point and level out, before applying the next one.

6. Don’t “wrap”. The worst marks come if the cane tip doesn’t land on the buttocks, but goes right round onto the hips or front of the thighs. Making sure he doesn’t stand too close will help.

7. Don’t be tempted to whack too hard, or too many times, especially the first time. I know I was tempted to give my first spankee 30 of the best. Six, slowly, well-done with cuddles afterwards can be far more intense. And the cane doesn’t need to hit the ceiling on the backswing! (Whilst getting used to wielding the cane, it may also be easier to hold it some way along, thus effectively shortening its length – that can help with accuracy until he’s confident).

8. Close the windows, and put on the TV if you’re at all worried about noise travelling. You want to enjoy it together – not have a worry at the back of your minds about the neighbours hearing and calling the police to rescue the poor woman being beaten next door.

9. Have an appropriate safeword. Sounds obvious, but “no”, “it hurts”, “owwww” and “stoooopppppp” may well come out naturally – yet you may actually be enjoying it (deep down) and wanting the scene to continue. Traffic lights work well (amber = OMG it hurts, so be careful, but keep going; red = stop now).

10. Don’t panic if the odd stroke does go astray. It may well do so – even with experienced players, the odd one does!

11. Have some arnica cream handy (if you can find some), or aloe vera if not, or decent moisturiser if not, and rub it in afterwards.

12. Don’t book a session at the local spa, or in the local swimming pool with vanilla friends, for the following morning! You may have marks that might take a couple of days to fade!

And finally – have fun!

So, what d’ya think? Any other advice?

The Clock Stripes Twelve

We found a picture of this wonderfully designed customisable clock in “The Guardian”, and decided that every kinky household needs to know about it.

spanking clock

See? The numbers are held in the jaws of tiny crocodile clips, and you can replace them with your own thing.

Such as pictures. Of bottoms with cane stripes.

With a stripe for each hour.

That would be a thing of beauty, right?

Daddy dispenses discipline

No sooner than I posted an off-hand remark about the number of rounds we girls managed to down in a lovely Welsh pub, Abel’s pervy side of the brain went into overdrive. When I next opened my email, I found this:

Young lady,

If you’re going to write to your friends about your drinking exploits at the weekend, you should be careful not to include me on the distribution list.

Seven alcoholic drinks is most certainly not acceptable. Excessive drinking is not something to be proud of, or about which to gloat.

I’d like to see you in my study as soon as you’ve read this, so that we can deal with this. Thoroughly.

Daddy xx

I gave a silent whoop, punched the air, and raced upstairs straight away.

I regretted this at once, because Daddy was not amused with his girl’s drinking exploits. Even my most earnest explanation that when people are buying you a drink, it’s impolite to refuse, was rejected at once.

He sat on the bed, easily tipped me over his knee and pulled down my jogging bottoms together with my knickers.   I dug my fingertips into the carpet, preparing to feel a crack of his palm, but instead there was an unmistakeable touch of cool wood against my skin.

“Not the hairbrush!” I wailed. “Please, I’m sorry, not the hairbrush!”

The pleading didn’t help very much. The pain of the brush is astonishing, even when it isn’t used very hard. I howled and begged as it cracked down, and apologised most sincerely. I felt Abel throw the brush aside, and rejoiced for a second, before I felt him reach into a bedside drawer for some other implement. Although I couldn’t see it, I soon realised it wasn’t much of an improvement, as its wooden side printed into my skin. (Further inspection revealed this to be a spaghetti measurer, which is effectively a small paddle with variously sized holes.)

After all the spanking and yelling and pleading and wriggling was done, I was sternly ordered onto my feet and into the corner.

“You may stay there and think about your behaviour, and when you feel suitably chastened, you may come and find me,” said Abel in Daddy’s voice before leaving the room. I shuffled into the corner, carefully feeling the hot surface of my bottom with my icy fingertips. My fingers warmed up before my bottom grew any cooler.

“Well?” asked Daddy from the corridor.

“I’m really sorry,” I whimpered, and peek cautiously into the crack in the door. There stood Abel, himself again, and grinning at me like a recently fed cat. I wrapped my arms around his neck, angling my face up for a kiss.

Only then did it occur to me that pulling up my pants first might have been slightly more dignified. Ah, well.

Felicity goes to school

“The question of how I might be educated loomed larger and larger, prompted partly by our regular visits to the Loreto Convents. These institutions are scattered across India. There is a Loreto School for Girls in every city, some towns and all the major hill stations. At that time they offered a most exclusive and very expensive education to the daughters of the British Raj and the aristocracy and civil servants of India.”

Oh, how my mind was already leaping to conclusions as I turned the pages of Felicity Kendal’s autobiography. But before we reached any disciplinary matters, there was the important question of uniforms. The young lady travelled the country with her parents, as they put on plays to entertain the local populace, and it was therefore decreed that:

Wherever we stayed anywhere for more than a few weeks, I would go to the local Loreto… There was, however the question of school uniforms. Each school had a completely different outfit to adapt to the wildly varying climates and conditions….

We set off for the shops in Bangalore’s Victoria Crescent and retuned an hour later with a big silver trunk… Into this wonderful shiny box, I lovingly packed my new uniforms: the red and white woollies for Simla; the grey and blue pleated skirt for Naini Tal and the navy gymslips for Darjeeling, with tie, blazer, woolly gloves and beret. A horrid khaki cotton dress for Karachi was joined by a sweet gingham job for Bangalore; Bombay was smart beige and yellow; and so on. I padlocked my treasure and hid the key in my luggage, feeling very grown up and the proud possessor of so many important things.

Felicity Kendal Gymslips. Oh my…

Where was I? Oh yes. Discipline. For it appears that she was a rather naughty girl:

I would lead my gang out into the hot dusty playground at break and we would chant ‘BSBG’, which stood for ‘Banging “B” Side Girls’. ‘B’ side girls were taken from poor families who couldn’t pay school fees. They had their own classrooms and a different uniform. The teachers and facilities were the same, and some of the bright girls joined the ‘A’ classes, but they were identifiably different by their dress. Three or more of my gang would like arms and, chatting away, accidentally on purpose ‘bang’ into a ‘B’ side girl.

Eventually, this regrettable behaviour was noticed by the staff, and my prefect badge removed. As well as undergoing the shame of losing my status, I had to stand in front of the entire class to have my hand hit several times with a wooden ruler. My teacher was, quite rightly, livid, and the force of her third stroke broke the ruler in two. The pain was dreadful, but nothing compared with the public humiliation.

As I said early: oh, my…

Naming of Implements

I didn’t misbehave on the trip to Wales. Well, not much, and certainly not enough to be punished for it.*

I did, however, learn a bit of Welsh from bi-lingual signs. Specifically, now I know that Welsh for “microwave” is “popty ping”.

I did giggle at first when I read that, but then I had an attack of linguistic geekery. Our Welsh hostess explained that “popty” means “oven”, so evidently, when the time came to make up a word for an oven that goes ping, it was conveniently named “oven ping”. Genius.

Imagine, then, making up your own language, and having to name spanking implements. I have several suggestions.

Cane: stick-crack.

Switch: branch-swish.

Paddle: small-oar-crack.

Hairbrush: just hairbrush, duh.

This would work, I think.

Any other suggestions?

* Seven vodka-lime-and-lemons? What about that?